You know what they say... don't judge a newsletter by it's cover. Each newsletter contains, in typically Junior fashion, an easy to read blog, book and music recommendations, and fun quotes from his household. Check out the most recent newsletters below. Or, better yet, click to subscribe!
Nov 14, 2024
I recently saw a viral post of a woman mourning her family’s last 15 years. Apparently her husband had 14 different jobs in the last 15 years. I share her grief, that’s hard on a family (yet somewhat impressive to be hired that many times). 14 jobs in 15 years, that’s really tough. Yet to me, the saddest part...

Aug 14, 2024
I’ve heard it, I bet you have too—maybe you’ve even shared something like it. “The Trump assassination attempt was staged as a publicity stunt.” “The Biden Administration was in on the attempt.” It’s all the tip of the iceberg, I’d share more headlines but I don’t want add any more fuel to the fire…
Jul 31, 2024
I kid you not, it took an hour, maybe longer. My 3 attended a week at The Woods, they had a blast. Picking them up they were all smiles holding their crafts and awards, yet teary eyed leaving their counselors. I love that they experienced the week together. While I don’t know how much showering happened, I can tell you how much hair-brushing happened….

Jun 15, 2024
I kid you not, it took an hour, maybe longer. My 3 attended a week at The Woods, they had a blast. Picking them up they were all smiles holding their crafts and awards, yet teary eyed leaving their counselors. I love that they experienced the week together. While I don’t know how much showering happened, I can tell you how much hair-brushing happened….
May 1, 2024
There have been moments in my life that I can vividly remember someone speaking life into me. I remember the faces. I remember the words—almost word for word. Only two minutes, but conversations that gave wind to my sails. Those words sprouted life. During confusing or difficult times...